
Fishes and Furs and Danny Trejo


A common challenge brought up by the anti-gay religious goes like this; "Show me a gay relationship in the Bible or anything that affirms it?" 

First, you are asking me to prove what isn't written, what you believe is proving your point in some way if I can't. I'll turn it around and say show me a clear chapter and verse stating; "Man and woman becoming one flesh AND ALL ELSE IS NOT ALLOWABLE." The burden of proof is on you with showing me they aren't allowed, with what isn't written, because YOU are the one saying these gay relationships are forbidden from the start. You'll then have to admit you're making the Genesis narrative that was only a narrative into a Biblical edict for every man and woman to follow, forever, and reading between the lines of Matthew 19 what isn't there with making up a Biblical prohibition out of a Biblical silence. The Bible is also silent on the early Bible patriarch practice of having concubines. what was the historical norm of having arranged marriages without love, masturbation, and heterosexual anal sex.

Second, In situations like these when there is Biblical silence on a topic, what is either permissible or what is not permissible to us with iffy borders, it should be decided by the test on if it breaks the Royal Law of love or if it harms, hurts or exploits. Fur wearing and fish hatcheries are two examples the Bible says nothing on, but is clear with what we are to decide on both. Fur wearing caters to one's vanity, it's also a status symbol of the rich that gives a bad message to unbelievers when Jesus was no fan of the rich, not to mention the horrific conditions these animals live in that makes us not good shepherds over these creatures. This is not permissible. Fish hatcheries give a chance for a fish population to grow from the greed of overharvesting, it's good for the environment, nothing is harmed or exploited, this is being a good shepherd over these creatures. This is permissible. Gay relationships hurts or harms no one with two people finding loving companionship. No one is exploited, forced, and the rule of Royal Law is kept. This is permissible. 

The Bible is clear that marriage was made for us, not us made for the "institution" of marriage. 

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